When osteoarthritis of the knee joint appears, treatment with folk remedies is an effective measure in the fight against the disease. However, all funds should be used only after consultation with the attending physician.

As you know, osteoarthritis is a joint disease that causes the gradual destruction of cartilage tissue in the joint. This is due to a change in the ends of the bones, causing them to become inflamed. The disease has a very high prevalence worldwide and ranks third after oncological and cardiovascular diseases.
Both men and women are equally susceptible to this disease. The onset of the disease is observed at the age of about 30 years, and the percentage of its manifestation increases every year.
According to experts, the main causes of osteoarthritis of the knee are: metabolic disorders, hormonal disorders, decreased blood flow in the joints, hereditary factors, old age, various injuries and even psoriasis.
There may also be factors that affect the development of this disease:
- fullness of a person, which puts extra stress on the joints;
- inflammatory processes in the joint (for example, in acute purulent arthritis);
- poor quality food;
- hemophilia, syphilis, tuberculosis and other diseases;
- Diseases of the thyroid gland, persistent acute respiratory infections, extensive intoxication of the body.

The main symptoms of this disease are: pain during stress in the joints, a decrease in their mobility, the appearance of a crisis and a feeling of tension in the muscle tissue in the joint area, their swelling.
Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint should be carried out as soon as the symptoms appear, in a complex and pathogenetic way. The complex treatment uses anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs, replaced by physiotherapeutic procedures, it is possible to use therapeutic mud and mineral water. The main task of treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint is to eliminate the factors that contribute to its development.
A popular folk remedy for osteoarthritis of the knee joint
In addition to medical methods, it is possible to treat osteoarthritis at home with traditional methods. There are many of them.

Let's look at some of them.
- Treatment of dandelion flowers. You need to eat 5 dandelion flowers washed every day with boiled water. You can make an infusion. For this purpose, take 5 bottles of dark glass and fill half of them with flowers and the rest with triple cologne. Insist in a dark place for 1 month and rub your knees before going to bed. For treatment, it is necessary to dry the leaves, which are then filled with boiling water. 1 tablespoon daily. l. You need to chew this mixture until you have completed 3, 000 steps. Such treatment is very effective with folk remedies.
- How to treat with hydrogen peroxide. This way you can get rid of pain and cramps. According to this principle, it is necessary to drink hydrogen peroxide: add 1 drop every day and start reducing them to a minimum of 20, ie. Up to 1 drop. Then rest for a month.
- Shit compress helps in the fight against pain. The traditional treatment of osteoarthritis with horseradish is known to many, it is distinguished by its effectiveness and very low cost. Horseradish root is crushed with a grater and steamed in a pot with water, put on low heat. The resulting mixture is placed on a piece of linen pre-moistened with the infusion, which is applied to painful areas.
- Alternative methods include iodine compresses. According to the elderly, folk remedies for osteoarthritis of the knee joints are more effective than traditional medicine. Such a tool is a mixture of 5% iodine solution, 10% ammonia solution, flower honey, medical bile and glycerin. All ingredients are taken in equal parts, mixed and brewed in a dark place for ten years. After this time, the mixture is shaken and heated in the required amount of water bath. Before going to bed, a napkin soaked in broth is applied to the sore spot and insulated with cellophane and woolen cloth.

How to treat the disease with cabbage?
Cabbage is a good helper in the fight against pain in this disease, more often the leaves are used both fresh and in the form of compresses. Both methods are very effective and excellent in the treatment of osteoarthritis.
Cabbage juice reduces pain. Obtained as follows. Medium-sized cabbage heads are cut into pieces and transferred to an enamel bowl, as the metal can oxidize and release harmful substances into the juice. Then the cabbage is well kneaded with a pusher and passed through a juicer. The resulting juice moisturizes the wool until it is completely absorbed. This tissue is then applied to the damaged joint. The procedure is performed before bedtime. The shelf life of the finished juice is not more than 3 days and should be stored in a dark place.
Cabbage leaves are also used. To compress, the first juicy leaves, which are the most juicy, are removed from the cabbage. The inner parts of the leaves are rubbed with flower honey and this side is applied to the painful joints. All this is insulated with plastic wrap and woolen cloth and left overnight. In the morning, the compress is removed, and the remaining honey is removed with heated water. The compress is applied every day for a month.

What else is used in treatment?
Rubbing with elecampane will help relieve joint pain. To prepare it, 50 g of the root of this plant should be carefully mixed with 125 ml of vodka. The resulting solution is left to infuse for two weeks in a dark place. After this period, rubbing is applied to painful areas. Rubbing is performed every day until the pain disappears completely.
Oat flakes in almost every home are very effective in treating this disease.
Oatmeal compress is easy to prepare and takes very little time. What should be done for this? 4-5 st. l. oatmeal is poured with pre-boiled water. Then the porridge is put in the oven and put for 6-8 minutes. boiled over low heat. Oatmeal should have a viscous consistency. It is then placed on a woolen, cotton or linen cloth, and then applied to the painful area at night. The compress is wrapped in polyethylene and glued to the body with a bandage. The porridge should be boiled before each compress, because after a day it loses its healing properties.
Simple but effective ways
Treatment of osteoarthritis with kefir and eggshell. This compress normalizes the function of the diseased joint. To do this, the eggshell is powdered and mixed with kefir. The amount of kefir should be such that a thick substance is obtained. The canvas is placed on the fabric, then wrapped in an "envelope", applied to the painful joint, insulated with a plastic bandage and fixed to the foot. The compress is applied every day, the duration of application is 2-2, 5 hours.
Squeezed with chalk and yogurt. Powdered chalk has the same healing properties as eggshells. Kefir or any fermented dairy products (eg sour cream or yogurt) are added to it. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the painful area. All this is insulated with polyethylene film or cellophane bag and released overnight. After removing the compress, the residue is removed with a damp cloth. This chalk compress relieves pain well, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the aching joint, eliminates swelling.
Candle treatment. Candles contain many nutrients, including ester oils, which soothe aching feet and reduce pain. Herbal needles used in the bath are used to treat osteoarthritis. To get such a healing bath, you will need a certain amount of pine branches with needles cut into small pieces, as well as a few Jerusalem artichokes. The components are immersed in a hot water bath. Turpentine (1 tsp), sea salt (1 kg), honey (2 tablespoons) are also added. The time spent in the bath is about 20 minutes. Then the skin is thoroughly wiped with a towel and an iodine net is applied to the painful joint area and honey is rubbed on that area. There is also a steamed net of pork fat. Course of treatment: every day for 2 weeks.
Onion decoctions. The use of this tool will always help to say goodbye to both osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis, arthritis and gout. Peel 2 large onions and chop. The components are then boiled in 1 liter of distilled water until the onion is completely cooked. Take 1 glass of broth 3 times a day before meals. Course of treatment: 1 month.
Straw baths. These baths are made for severe pain. Straw powder is taken (3-5 handfuls) and filled with water at 100 degreesOC, the container is covered with a lid and cooled to 30 ° COC. Then the solution is poured into the bath. Duration of the procedure: 0, 5 hours Course of treatment: every day for 2 weeks.
All of the above recipes and tips will help you in the fight against an unpleasant disease such as osteoarthritis of the knee joints.